lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL Group: A Company with Options for the Health Sector

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Great efforts of the team of MIGLOBAL Group
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Great efforts of the team of MIGLOBAL Group
At MIGLOBAL Group, the vision to get the company to become a leader in some of the most competitive branches of health business, including the design and construction of small and large projects in response to the needs of its customers has been deeply developed. However, thanks to the experience in the field of marketing of medical supplies and equipment of [Ivan Ernesto Moreno Plaza], CEO of MIGLOBAL, the vision has positively exceeded the limits.
  • Supplies and technology
Providing supplies and installing technologies with quality materials for health constructions and buildings has proven to be a job that requires preparation, knowledge and expertise, as this process requires the use of brands of proven quality that allow the functionality of these initiatives
  • Robotics and virtual reality
Medicine and technology form an increasingly narrower link when helping the patients. Thanks to this link, elements that seem science fiction or only related to the world of telecommunications and certain specific branches of science such as roboticshigh definition images or virtual reality are today part of everyday life of health professionals worldwide who use these tools to deal with challenges effectively, safely and rapidly.
  • On site modular technique
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Prefabricated constructions
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Prefabricated constructions
This is a particular construction technique that speeds up the delivery process of any construction project. The building is pre-fabricated remotely in modules which are shipped to the wished location. The land and foundations and utilities lines are simultaneously prepared, and then the modules are positioned to be attached together.

It is a frequent technique developed by MIGLOBAL for smaller buildings:
  • Clinical labs,
  • urgent and ambulatory centers,
  • dialysis centers,
  • support and administration buildings.
  • Strategic alliances
The alliance with the MIGLOBAL’s represented German worldwide industry leader HT+ HospitalTechnik makes possible for the company to offer the On Site Modular Assembly Technique based in orthogonal crosslink components modules which offer various ways of configurations.

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Alliances for better results
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Alliances for better results
MIGLOBAL’s suppliers give the company the highest quality materials and best technology to construct the structures, parts and other components used in the execution of works through the modular system.

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