martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Advances for the health sector
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Advances for the health sector
As you may know, the team at MIGLOBAL is always looking and searching new advances in the world that try to impact the health sector in a positive way. These technological advances we present to you today are thought to improve the health of people and to positively start being part of the everyday life of clients and patients. Keep reading and discover what the world is doing for the medicine technology.

Chrono Therapeutics is an American company that has developed a device designed to help people to stop smoking through a wearable technology, which now goes to the ranks of health. This equipment, which is connected directly to the smartphone, has the ability to record the moments of anxiety caused by the cigarette, and helps to control it, releasing doses of nicotine, handled by an algorithm previously stipulated according to its intensity.

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Devices developed by Chrono Therapeutics
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Devices developed by Chrono Therapeutics
The SmartStop is a mobile application, combined with a revolutionary attachment, and is the way the company is taking medical technology to modernize beyond the methods that have been traditionally used, all this in order to put an end to this problem. Chrono Therapeutics has developed a way to provide the timed delivery of drugs transdermally; using this wearable device, the device will offer a better way to liberate smokers from nicotine cravings and, at the end, letting the bad habit behind.

There is also interesting information related to ophthalmologic technology and all the inventions that companies and organizations are working on. For example, the smart contact lenses designed by Sony and that received its patent in April this year. Inside this device, located in the user's eye, the RAM memory chip would be found, as well as the processor, the antenna and the read-only memory (ROM). In that place, an image processor detects every blink of the person, and identifies if the blink was unintentional or done on purpose to activate the camera or access the computer located inside the lens, everything "in the twinkling of an eye".

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Smart contact lens
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Smart contact lens
Samsung also obtained a patent on a similar device which, like Sony, connects the system to a nearby phone to transmit images and videos, as well as to regulate the network connection.

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