martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

IMPORTANT! Siplik: An App for Health Care Created by a Venezuelan

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Siplik Providing Great Solutions
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Siplik Providing Great Solutions 
Health professionals now have an extraordinary digital application that allows them to save medical records and schedule appointments. This new app, called Siplik, was created by the Venezuelan doctor, Gabriel Escalona, who sought to facilitate the access of doctors to the information of each of their patients to be able to follow them with greater speed and efficiency. Today, MIGLOBAL brings you more details about this new app and the great benefits it carries to doctors and patients.

Siplik is a free platform that arises from the need to have a digital data system, so that doctors can obtain and safeguard any record of their patients instantly. It also makes the queries easier to organize because it also allows the doctor and the patient to keep a record of the appointments with their details or changes in an agenda.

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Storing, saving and keeping safe medical records
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Storing, saving and keeping safe medical records 
Gabriel Escalona, creator of this app and medical surgeon specializing in advanced laparoscopy, explains that this platform will also provide benefits to patients, who will have the opportunity to request rewards and medical exams, request appointments without calling the office, and even look for any specialist at any time and any day of the week.

This new application will have a positive impact on the digitalization of data in hospitals and clinics in Venezuela, according to comments by [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza], expert in the area of medicine. And this will also contribute to saving time and resources, which can be invested in the maintenance and improvement of spaces, practices and care with the inclusion of more advanced health technologies. Also, it’s good to mention that this application is available for the Android and iOS operating systems, and with the Premium version, patients can perform video queries.

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Easy functions to benefit doctors and patients
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Easy functions to benefit doctors and patients
According information provided by Escalona to the media, in Venezuela there are about 25 million medical consultations per year and less than 15% are digitized, being the majority of them processed and stored manually, which means an unnecessary waste of time that can be used in other tasks.

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