miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

IMPORTANT! The Best Constructions and Services with MIGLOBAL Group

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL and its excellent services of construction
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL and its excellent services of construction
MIGLOBAL is a company always dedicated to work for the well-being of its customers. The company has a recent history of excellent work with the best results in the health and construction sector around the world. Don’t miss today the information about MIGLOBAL’s construction techniques that we bring to you.

The pre-fabricated technique

This is a particular construction technique that speeds up the delivery process of any construction project. The building is pre-fabricated remotely in modules which are shipped to the wished location. The land and foundations and utilities lines are simultaneously prepared, and then the modules are positioned to be attached together.
It is a frequent technique developed by MIGLOBAL for smaller buildings:
  • Clinical labs,
  • urgent and ambulatory centers,
  • dialysis centers,
  • support and administration buildings.
Other features 
  • The facilities must comply with the handicapped accessibility standards and codes.
  • MIGLOBAL works with all the materials that have to meet the local building codes.
  • Each one of the project plan and designs must be submitted before the local health department and authorities.
Exterior characteristics
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Quality and durability
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Quality and durability
  • Glass or pre-cast architectural paneling walls.
  • Components on architecture subjected to regulations of access and mobility for the disabled.
  • Huge variety of options for exterior finishes; plus the option of adding similar finishes of the existing buildings.
  • Glass or metal doors and ceilings.
Great alliances

The alliance with the MIGLOBAL’s represented German worldwide industry leader HT+ HospitalTechnik makes possible for the company to offer the On Site Modular Assembly Technique based in orthogonal crosslink components modules which offer various ways of configurations.

Also, MIGLOBAL’s suppliers give the company the highest quality materials and best technology to construct the structures, parts and other components used in the execution of works through the modular system.

Happy clients

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Hospital constructions
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Hospital constructions
The work schedule is planned very carefully by MIGLOBAL, because it is necessary to ensure the material, technological and human resources to the building, hence the various investigations as geology, foundations, roads, access, structural etc., are very important to take every idea to fruition.

The construction of the structures is the realization of all these plans and projects in a reality that not only meet customer expectations, but will serve to meet and allow medical developments in each place where it is installed.

By [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza].

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