martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

IMPORTANT! MIGLOBAL Presents its Best Construction Technique for Health Centers

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Relocable modular technique for fast constructions
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Relocable modular technique for fast constructions
The pre-fabricated technique is a particular construction technique that speeds up the delivery process of any construction project. The building is pre-fabricated remotely in modules which are shipped to the wished location. The land and foundations and utilities lines are simultaneously prepared, and then the modules are positioned to be attached together. MIGLOBAL Group is a company dedicated to deliver the best quality of constructions for health centers; today, we will distinguish some of its main characteristics.

Construction and provision of infrastructure are one of the steps taken by the company in offering professional and high quality services, and this is one step in which no risk can be left to act, from the permits of any nature, to the development of a schedule adapted to reality and in line with the client’s expectations, contracting, supervision and delivery of the physical plant and its equipment with the latest technology and human resources.

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Construction and provision of infrastructure
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Construction and provision of infrastructure
Nowadays, this is a frequent technique developed by MIGLOBAL for small buildings and has been used in many of its main constructions in the health sector such as:
  • Clinical labs,
  • urgent and ambulatory centers,
  • dialysis centers,
  • support and administration buildings.
Some characteristics of the pre-fabricated technique
  • The facilities must comply with the handicapped accessibility standards and codes.
  • MIGLOBAL works with all the materials that have to meet the local building codes.
  • Each one of the project plan and designs must be submitted before the local health department and authorities.
Exterior characteristics 
  • Glass or pre-cast architectural paneling walls.
  • Components on architecture subjected to regulations of access and mobility for the disabled.
  • Huge variety of options for exterior finishes; plus the option of adding similar finishes of the existing buildings.
  • Glass or metal doors and ceilings.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Record in constructions and designs
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Record in constructions and designs
Interior characteristics

  • Solid core wooden doors.
  • Tempered glass or stainless steel paneling for sterile and semi-sterile areas.
  • Fiber glass Reinforce Plastic) Panels.
By [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza].

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