sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Big Projects at MIGLOBAL

Permanent Modular Construction 
HT + Labor Hospitaltechnik offers its vast quantity and quality of options. Some of these options are the most innovative solutions in the field of health, high technology and visionary thinking of this German company, which puts its efforts and services in Latin America with the professionalism and experience to MIGLOBAL Group, becoming a magnificent duo, no matter the size of the projects to which they face: initiatives are large, these companies present their modular assembly technique in situ.
Permanent Modular Construction or PMC involves quiet, clean and safe solutions for uses such as:
  • Medical services.
  • Dental care.
  • Clinic services.
  • Laboratory services.

Modular assembly technique
Modular assembly technique
Based on the design of orthogonal grid of interlocking modules, which increase the ability of configuration spaces, adapting to customer needs; this technique has become very popular all over the world, thanks to the benefits sought.
The hospital engineering proposal for the lifting of these buildings, involves the use of pure materials such as:
  • stainless steel,
  • glass,
  • pre-empting panels.

Materials and quality
Materials and quality
These materials ensure the cleanliness and durability, as well as keeping an aesthetic environment, saving resources and considering the ecological advantages of a center built with recyclable materials. All this turn this structures an example of green design.

The assembly of these projects is done by using a series of elements that come together in a structural way to ensure perfect operation in record time and with much greater efficiency than with traditional methods.

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Technology and Medicine Together at MIGLOBAL

Miglobal logo
Joints such as the hips, knees, wrists and ankles are some of the main moving parts of the human body. They receive a lot of pressure and stress, and are exposed to a number of problems that can cause serious consequences. Among these problems and conditions that can affect the joints worse, we can find the osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease that attacks the cartilage and causes severe pain in the patient.

Medicine and technology
Medicine and technology
Medicine and technology form an increasingly narrower link when helping the patients. Thanks to this link, elements that seem science fiction or only related to the world of telecommunications and certain specific branches of science such as roboticshigh definition images or virtual reality are today part of everyday life of health professionals worldwide who use these tools to deal with challenges effectively, safely and rapidly.
Osteoarthritis as well as the prostate and kidney cancers are the conditions in which these new robotic technologies are applied in a better way, since with the use of robotic implements the size of the incisions to perform the procedures necessary to treat them decreases. Because of these new technologies, the bleeding, pain and the affected time spent in the hospital become smaller.
Robotics in Medicine
MIGLOBAL has produced advances in the care of this problem, developing the method known as CIAHRS, a course with Virtual Simulation for training of specialists in such interventions through virtual simulations and robotic equipment.

The company also has gathered efforts for years to train professionals in these areas in order to use these high technology tools as part of its bid to create effective responses to the world of health throughout the continent.

martes, 26 de enero de 2016

MIGLOBAL Group: An Example of High Quality Supplies Service

Ivan Moreno Plaza, founder and head of Latin American business phenomenon known as MIGLOBAL Group, has developed his vision to get the company to become a leader in some of the most competitive branches of health business, including the design and construction of small and large projects in response to the needs of its customers. However, thanks to his experience in the field of marketing of medical supplies and equipment, his vision has positively exceeded the limits.
Providing supplies and installing technologies with quality materials for health constructions and buildings has proven to be a job that requires preparation, knowledge and expertise, as this process requires the use of brands of proven quality that allow the functionality of these initiatives with equipment that includes:
  • Components,
  • alternating electricity generators and battery packs (UPS),
  • electrostatic floors,
  • kitchen and laundry industrial level,
  • medical gases,
  • and electromechanical machinery.

Design and construction
Design and construction
Construction, repairing and modernization of the physical plant of health buildings involve a wide selection of furniture, and management information systemsoffice equipment, consumables, plumbing and electricity which will allow safe operation, and are the cornerstone of good name that MIGLOBAL created to the communities across the continent.

International agreements and the constant expansion into new markets have made this brand one of the strongest on the market, offering guaranteed high quality products, especially on projects with 100% operational "turnkey projects" which is its main identification.
Medical Supplies

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Modular Assembly Technique: MIGLOBAL and HT + HospitalTechnik

The alliance with the MIGLOBAL’s represented German worldwide industry leader HT+ HospitalTechnik makes possible for the company to offer the On Site Modular Assembly Technique based in orthogonal crosslink components modules which offer various ways of configurations.
Some of the characteristics of the materials used are:
MIGLOBAL’s suppliers give the company the highest quality materials and best technology to construct the structures, parts and other components used in the execution of works through the modular system.
Modular construction model
Modular construction model
  • Simple Paneling SubStructure.
  • Double Paneling Substructure as partition walls.
  • Doors and Window reinforced framing.
  • Fire resistant/acoustic and radiation wall system.
  • Stainless Steel Paneling.
  • Glass Paneling. 

  • Electrical System and Controls.
  • X ray Viewers.
  • Monitors.
  • Computers.
  • Medical Gases.
  • Transfer and service lines tunnels and accesses.
  • Heating.

Roofs and ceilings
  • Roof Thrusts.
  • Ceiling Sub-structure and paneling.
  • Clean Room Skylights.
  • Surgical Lights supports and beams.

  • Swing Type Abatibles.
  • Sliding Type.
  • Fire Proof.
  • Sealed Jam.
  • Acoustic proof.
  • Sanitary
  • Made of mineral compounds.
  • Stainless Steel.
  • Motion sensor activated or simple type faucets.
  • Soap and germicide dispensers.
  • Industrial type mirrors.
  • ADA Grab bars. 

lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

The Interest of MIGLOBAL in Robotics and its Applications for Health

Robotic medicine
Robotic medicine
Medicine and technology form an increasingly narrower link when helping the patients. Thanks to this link, elements that seem science fiction or only related to the world of telecommunications and certain specific branches of science such as roboticshigh definition images or virtual reality are today part of everyday life of health professionals worldwide who use these tools to deal with challenges effectively, safely and rapidly.
The prostate and kidney cancers are the conditions in which these new technologies are applied in a better way, since with the use of robotic implements the size of the incisions to perform the procedures necessary to treat them decreases. Because of these new technologies, the bleeding, pain and the affected time spent in the hospital become smaller.
Medical robots
Medical robots
The DaVinci robot, one of the most advanced models of these robots for health, allows stereo images using high resolution amplified up to 10 times which greatly increases the accuracy of the intervention and, thus, better results.

The team of MIGLOBAL Group has gathered efforts for years to train professionals in these areas in order to use these high technology tools as part of its bid to create effective responses to the world of health throughout the continent.
The DaVinci Robot

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: The Pre-fabricated Technique: Construction Work of MIGLOBAL

This is a particular construction technique that speeds up the delivery process of any construction project. The building is pre-fabricated remotely in modules which are shipped to the wished location. The land and foundations and utilities lines are simultaneously prepared, and then the modules are positioned to be attached together.

It is a frequent technique developed by MIGLOBAL for smaller buildings:
  • Clinical labs,
  • urgent and ambulatory centers,
  • dialysis centers,
  • support and administration buildings.

Other features
Modular technique
Modular technique
  • The facilities must comply with the handicapped accessibility standards and codes.
  • MIGLOBAL works with all the materials that have to meet the local building codes.
  • Each one of the project plan and designs must be submitted before the local health department and authorities’ approval.

Exterior characteristics
  • Glass or pre-cast architectural paneling walls.
  • Components on architecture subjected to regulations of access and mobility for the disabled.
  • Huge variety of options for exterior finishes; plus the option of adding similar finishes of the existing buildings.
  • Glass or metal doors and ceilings.

Interior characteristics
  • Solid core wooden doors.
  • Tempered glass or stainless steel paneling for sterile and semi-sterile areas.
  • Fiber glass Reinforce Plastic Panels.

Interior Flooring:
  • 5/8 Plywood subfloor and isolation grade R-19
  • Vinyl tile or rolls 1/8” thick.
  • Black carpet to common areas.
  • Plastic base-board.

OR and sterile areas:

Seamless Wall to Floor Joint


Impact (industry standard size)

martes, 12 de enero de 2016

Great Variety of Services and Technologies at MIGLOBAL

Health services
Health services
Emergency, hospitalization, outpatient surgery, treatments and therapies can be handled thanks to MIGLOBAL great diversity of services, as well as Healthcare Support services such as laboratory tests, nutrition and medical imaging, and others; similarly, consultations, appointments with specialists, pharmacy, surgery and other hospital operations will be handled by the system of the company, not to mention the functions of Administration and Logistics.
The patient is the center of all these technological and human resources. Since the ultimate goal is to give the patient the best service, the company has developed a process to capture information, which sets off a series of orders to the various units providing service for fast response and high quality.
In order to keep working every day, MIGLOBAL counts with important tools, services and technologies such as:
Use of new technologies
Use of new technologies
  • Technology Transfer to in house engineering.
  • GHAessential tool for the operation of health care facilities using the latest technological advances that can be controlled, monitored and maintained on site, using a neuralgic center based in two computer servers called PAC (Photographic Archive and Communication) and RIS (Radiology Information System) that complement the work.
  • Specific technical training for construction and installations.
  • Local or International Procurement to construction equipment and materials.
  • Health training
  • CIAHRS technology: (Arthroscopic Initiation Course in Shoulder and Knee with Virtual Simulation) is one of its most successful advents, since it has meant the union of the highest technology of virtual simulators with the latest knowledge in the area of treatment of joint problems.

jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: CEO of MIGLOBAL GROUP: The History behind One Man

Studies and work
Studies and work
Ivan Moreno Plaza, CEO of MIGLOBAL GROUP, is a successful Venezuelan businessman who began his professional career at the age of 17 years old, when, after completing his high school studies and receiving the diploma as High School in Science Graduate, began working in the warehouses of Galeno Especialidades Médicas, a Venezuelan company dedicated to sell medical equipment and implants of various specialties. His first promotion was to Warehouse Manager, from there, he went to the Technical Department, and then he was postulated to a position in the Sales Department, finding his very real vocation and where he obtained rapidly the Line Manager position.

Nearly a decade of school and professional growth in sales, implants and instruments specializing in endoscopy supply, led him to make the leap to independence. At the age 26 years old he founded his first company, Medical Vision, dedicated to minimally invasive medical equipment, new and repowered, providing solutions to doctors who could not afford new equipment. He did not take long to conquer the market and become a national reference.
Conmed Corporation, a company specialized in arthroscopy, was created by Moreno Plaza and it’s a high challenge that Ivan Moreno took knowing he was competing against long-experience companies in the country and brands of global significance.
Conmed Corp.
Conmed Corp.
In 2014, Ivan Moreno Plaza expanded his business internationally by creating companies in countries such as Panama, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Peru, Ecuador and Argentina, belonging to the holding o fMIGLOBAL GROUP.

For Ivan Moreno, it is important to identify problems and provide real solutions, beyond providing excellent service to their customers, developing countries with weak and collapsed health systems, infrastructure dilapidated by time and budget deficits that can only reach inputs and payrolls, now have an opportunity.