lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

The Interest of MIGLOBAL in Robotics and its Applications for Health

Robotic medicine
Robotic medicine
Medicine and technology form an increasingly narrower link when helping the patients. Thanks to this link, elements that seem science fiction or only related to the world of telecommunications and certain specific branches of science such as roboticshigh definition images or virtual reality are today part of everyday life of health professionals worldwide who use these tools to deal with challenges effectively, safely and rapidly.
The prostate and kidney cancers are the conditions in which these new technologies are applied in a better way, since with the use of robotic implements the size of the incisions to perform the procedures necessary to treat them decreases. Because of these new technologies, the bleeding, pain and the affected time spent in the hospital become smaller.
Medical robots
Medical robots
The DaVinci robot, one of the most advanced models of these robots for health, allows stereo images using high resolution amplified up to 10 times which greatly increases the accuracy of the intervention and, thus, better results.

The team of MIGLOBAL Group has gathered efforts for years to train professionals in these areas in order to use these high technology tools as part of its bid to create effective responses to the world of health throughout the continent.
The DaVinci Robot

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