jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: CEO of MIGLOBAL GROUP: The History behind One Man

Studies and work
Studies and work
Ivan Moreno Plaza, CEO of MIGLOBAL GROUP, is a successful Venezuelan businessman who began his professional career at the age of 17 years old, when, after completing his high school studies and receiving the diploma as High School in Science Graduate, began working in the warehouses of Galeno Especialidades Médicas, a Venezuelan company dedicated to sell medical equipment and implants of various specialties. His first promotion was to Warehouse Manager, from there, he went to the Technical Department, and then he was postulated to a position in the Sales Department, finding his very real vocation and where he obtained rapidly the Line Manager position.

Nearly a decade of school and professional growth in sales, implants and instruments specializing in endoscopy supply, led him to make the leap to independence. At the age 26 years old he founded his first company, Medical Vision, dedicated to minimally invasive medical equipment, new and repowered, providing solutions to doctors who could not afford new equipment. He did not take long to conquer the market and become a national reference.
Conmed Corporation, a company specialized in arthroscopy, was created by Moreno Plaza and it’s a high challenge that Ivan Moreno took knowing he was competing against long-experience companies in the country and brands of global significance.
Conmed Corp.
Conmed Corp.
In 2014, Ivan Moreno Plaza expanded his business internationally by creating companies in countries such as Panama, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Peru, Ecuador and Argentina, belonging to the holding o fMIGLOBAL GROUP.

For Ivan Moreno, it is important to identify problems and provide real solutions, beyond providing excellent service to their customers, developing countries with weak and collapsed health systems, infrastructure dilapidated by time and budget deficits that can only reach inputs and payrolls, now have an opportunity.

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