domingo, 15 de enero de 2017

IMPORTANT! MIGLOBAL Presents More about a Possible Approval of HIV Test in Newborns

Due to the diverse global concern about the growing transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the World Health Organization (WHO) recently announced the partial or prequalification of the rapid test of this disease in newborns whose mothers have been infected. All this effort is done in order to avoid vertical transmission (from mother to child) from now on. Today, MIGLOBAL brings you all the information about these advances. Keep reading and know more.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: HIV detection
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: HIV detection
Around the world millions of dollars have been invested in HIV prevention and treatment campaigns and with the application of this type of tests more children can be met on time in case the results are positive. However, there are still some steps to take to pass these exams altogether.

The prequalified technologies belong to the recognized companies Alere and Xpert HIV-1 Qual Assay, from Cepheid AB laboratory:
  • HIV-1 Detect for EID and ID
  • HIV-2 Detect for EID and ID
All this information was provided and explained by Mike Ward, director of WHO's Essential Medicines Unit, who explained to the media that thanks to technology and the latest advances by experts in the medical field, these two devices can be used in rural areas that are away from health centers and where results are required within minutes. Mike highlighted than one of those two devices runs on a battery that lasts up to 18 hours.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Technologies belonging to Alere
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Technologies belonging to Alere
In addition to that, Gottfried Hirnschall, director of WHO's HIV Department, added that by the use of this technology, experts will not only give a faster diagnosis but also make the mother and child closer to each other, because in some cases, in areas with very scarce resources, health professionals should separate the baby from the mother for several hours to make the different analyzes of the disease.

By [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza].
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: A faster diagnosis for newborns
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: A faster diagnosis for newborns

jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016

[Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza]: Know More about Yoga for Pregnant Women

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Yoga for pregnancy
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Yoga for pregnancy
For many years, medicine in the Western world has wondered whether yoga is beneficial to health or not. Several studies conducted by the University of Michigan in the United States have proven the innumerable positive effects of this practice and, above all, have determined why it is so recommended as an ideal practice for pregnant women. Today, MIGLOBAL brings you all the necessary information for you to learn how yoga can positively affect your pregnancy. See more bellow!

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Yoga during pregnancy
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Yoga during pregnancy
This researches at the US, led by Dr. Maria Muzik, a psychiatrist and research scientist at the Center for Human Growth and Development of the prestigious academic institution, determined that yoga not only teaches breathing and helps strengthen muscles, but also reduces depressive symptoms during the gestation period, that may be product of the hormonal imbalance and that are also common in this stage of formation of the fetus in the womb.

Also, some other experts and yoga instructors have provided their opinions about this discipline and lifestyle, which are considered very beneficial for the health status of pregnant women. It is said that the main objective of yoga during pregnancy is to help during the nine months, birth and postpartum status of mom and baby in the most healthy and relaxed way of life. If there is no risk, the exercises that yoga involves are beneficial emotionally, physically and mentally and help women get through their pregnancy with joy and no discomfort.
      Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Yoga postures for pregnant women
      Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Yoga postures for pregnant women
Some of the numerous benefits of yoga during pregnancy are:
  • Improves blood circulation and prevents varicose veins.
  • Controls weight.
  • Corrects and relieves back strain.
  • Favors the elasticity and control of vaginal and pelvic muscles.
  • Channels and balances anxious emotional state.
  • Enhances sleep quality.
  • Helps to open and flex the pelvis for the moment of the baby's birth.
By [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza].

IMPORTANT: [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza] Presents Great Efforts of MIGLOBAL

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: CEO of MIGLOBAL
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: CEO of MIGLOBAL
[Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza], founder and head of MIGLOBAL Group, has developed his vision to get this company to become leader in the most competitive branches of health business around the world. Providing supplies and installing technologies with quality materials, MIGLOBAL does its highest efforts for health constructions and buildings that have proven to be reference in the sector. This job requires preparation, knowledge and expertise, and the process requires the use of brands of proven quality that allow the functionality of these initiatives with the best equipment thought specially for the best projects.

HT + Labor Hospitaltechnik offers its vast quantity and quality of options. Some of these options are the most innovative solutions in the field of health, high technology and visionary thinking of this German company, which puts its efforts and services in Latin America with the professionalism and experience to MIGLOBAL Group, becoming a magnificent duo, no matter the size of the projects to which they face; so initiatives to large, these companies present their modular assembly technique in situ.

Permanent Modular Construction or PMC involves quiet, clean and safe solutions for uses such as:
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Construction
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Construction
  • Medical services.
  • Dental care.
  • Clinic services.
  • Laboratory services.
Based on the design of orthogonal grid of interlocking modules, which increase the ability of configuration spaces, adapting to customer needs; this technique has become very popular all over the world, thanks to the benefits sought.

The hospital engineering proposal for the lifting of these buildings, involves the use of pure materials such as:
  • stainless steel,
  • glass,
  • Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Turnkey projects around the world
    Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Turnkey projects around the world
  • pre-empting panels.
These materials ensure the cleanliness and durability, as well as keeping an aesthetic environment, saving resources and considering the ecological advantages of a center built with recyclable materials. All this turn this structures an example of green design.

The assembly of these projects is done by using a series of elements that come together in a structural way to ensure perfect operation in record time and with much greater efficiency than with traditional methods.

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Big Projects Come True: Services & Solutions at MIGLOBAL

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Passion and responsibility in every project
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Passion and responsibility in every project
As we said in previous posts, MIGLOBAL is a company considered to be one of the best in providing solutions for hospital construction and facilitates equipment for health centers. One of the general objectives of MIGLOBAL Group is to provide complete solutions for the health care sector, rapidly and with optimal performance. This company makes sure that every work is done with highest standards in technology and medicine advances. There is no doubt that MIGLOBAL provides the most adequate provision of equipment and products internationally renowned, ensuring the delivery of 100% operating health centers around the world. Know more about the services and solutions that MIGLOBAL gives to the public.


Relief services such as emergency, hospitalization, outpatient surgery, treatments and therapies can be handled in MIGLOBAL facilities, as well as Healthcare Support services such as laboratory tests, nutrition and medical imaging, among others; similarly, consultations, appointments with specialists, pharmacy, surgery and other hospital operations will be handled by the system of the company, not to mention the functions of Administration and Logistics.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Modern hospital infrastructures
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Modern hospital infrastructures

The patient is the center of all these technological and human resources. Since the ultimate goal is to give the patient the best service, the company has developed a process to capture information, which sets off a series of orders to the various units providing service for fast response and high quality.

Construction projects

Planning and execution are the basis for development of successful projects, therefore all services MIGLOBAL offers are preceded by a thorough study of needs, possibilities and capabilities of each individual customer.

The previous work

Calculating each variable, effective and realistic parameters are established on each proposal, in the research on areas such as engineering, MIGLOBAL presents research about geology, foundations, roads, access, parking, outdoor background, structure, electric and alternative energy, among many others.

Building and supplying

Construction and provision of infrastructure is the next logical step, and this is one step in which no risk can be left to act, from the permits of any nature, to the development of a schedule adapted to reality and in line with the client’s expectations.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Construction projects
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Construction projects

By [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza]. 

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

IMPORTANT! Technology in Medicine: The Perfect Link for Health Advances

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL also providing high-tech services and products
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL also providing high-tech services and products
Every day, medicine and technology are more and more linked towards the benefit of patients, doctors and health sector in general. Thanks to this link, aspects of technology that used to be destined only for telecommunications and certain specific branches of science such as roboticshigh definition images or virtual reality are taking part the everyday life of health professionals worldwide who use technological tools to deal with challenges effectively, safely and rapidly. As we have told you before, MIGLOBAL has gathered efforts for years to train professionals in these areas in order to use these high technology tools as part of its bid to create effective responses to the world of health throughout the continent. Know more about high technology advances in medicine worldwide that MIGLOBAL brings to you today.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Cancer detecting bra
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Cancer detecting bra
The iTBra by Cyrcadia Health is a smart bra that is able to keep track of breast health. Sensors that are embedded in the bra keep track of the conditions and rhythms in the breast tissue to alert of the possibility of cancer. The companion app gives information that has been recorded and also has a coaching and information section that gives a person information about optimal breast health and care.
  • The SmartStop
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Wearable devices
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Wearable devices
This is a mobile application combined with a revolutionary attachment, and is the way the company is taking medical technology to modernize beyond the methods that have been traditionally used, all this in order to put an end to this problem. Chrono Therapeutics has developed a way to provide the timed delivery of drugs transdermally; using this wearable device, the device will offer a better way to liberate smokers from nicotine cravings, and at the end, letting the bad habit behind.
The Leaf Healthcare Sensor is designed to alert a person when it is time to turn and do some moving in order to combat no moving around. The tri-axial accelerometer that is in the sensor can monitor the position that a person is in and then help assist them in proper ways to turn. It even works with optimizing tissue pressurization during turning and moving around.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Alerting the patient
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Alerting the patient

By [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza].

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Know the Perfect Structure of the Effort at MIGLOBAL

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Effort and commitment
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Effort and commitment
MIGLOBAL Group is a company with high-standard managerial values that have provided effectiveness to every project and work the company performs; this takes the company to be one of the leaders not only in the health sector, but in the Latin American management, making it the best example of human and physical resources use. Today, we will see some details about the committed team of MIGLOBAL and all the effort they do every day to maintain the privileged place the company is occupying.

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Developing great ideas
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Developing great ideas
Teamwork is one of the most important aspects at MIGLOBAL, based on an effective division of labor and a strong identification with the work. All that has set the task of finding daily excellence within MIGLOBAL’s actions. Know more about the team bellow!
  • [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza], CEO of the company, is one of the most important participants of MIGLOBAL; he works everyday with an interdisciplinary team which has put the best effort, knowledge and vision in the service of an ideal for years. This has helped the company expanded throughout the continent and still reaching new tasks in the sustained growth of MIGLOBAL and satisfying clients everywhere.
  • Francisco Sanchez has over 25 years of experience in Sales and Marketing oriented to users, patients, doctors, hospital staff, directors, distributors and direct sales and since October 2014 to date, Francisco Sanchez holds the position of Logistics and Procurement Manager and Business Development Manager of MIGLOBAL USA LLC in the city of Fort Lauderdale, FL. Today, MIGLOBAL, leaded by [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza], shows you part of an interview made to Francisco Sanchez in order to distinguish the important presence of the Group in the health sector around de world.
  • Julio Paez-Pumar - Logistics and International seeks
Julio Paez-Pumar is graduated from the law school of the Universidad Central de Venezuela. He is currently holding the position of Head of Department of Logistics and International Procurement in MIGLOBAL USA LLC; there, he is dedicated to the negotiation and selection of suppliers, compliance of schedules of projects execution, the regulations and codes of local and regional construction, inventory management, transport and storage of materials, among other functions.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Part of the team
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Part of the team

Modern management, technology, focus on quality and customer satisfaction, promoting MIGLOBAL’s achievements and goals, as well as the willingness to be renewed within the parameters established for its development have made the company a perfect organizational example in the market.

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

IMPORTANT! The Best Constructions and Services with MIGLOBAL Group

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL and its excellent services of construction
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL and its excellent services of construction
MIGLOBAL is a company always dedicated to work for the well-being of its customers. The company has a recent history of excellent work with the best results in the health and construction sector around the world. Don’t miss today the information about MIGLOBAL’s construction techniques that we bring to you.

The pre-fabricated technique

This is a particular construction technique that speeds up the delivery process of any construction project. The building is pre-fabricated remotely in modules which are shipped to the wished location. The land and foundations and utilities lines are simultaneously prepared, and then the modules are positioned to be attached together.
It is a frequent technique developed by MIGLOBAL for smaller buildings:
  • Clinical labs,
  • urgent and ambulatory centers,
  • dialysis centers,
  • support and administration buildings.
Other features 
  • The facilities must comply with the handicapped accessibility standards and codes.
  • MIGLOBAL works with all the materials that have to meet the local building codes.
  • Each one of the project plan and designs must be submitted before the local health department and authorities.
Exterior characteristics
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Quality and durability
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Quality and durability
  • Glass or pre-cast architectural paneling walls.
  • Components on architecture subjected to regulations of access and mobility for the disabled.
  • Huge variety of options for exterior finishes; plus the option of adding similar finishes of the existing buildings.
  • Glass or metal doors and ceilings.
Great alliances

The alliance with the MIGLOBAL’s represented German worldwide industry leader HT+ HospitalTechnik makes possible for the company to offer the On Site Modular Assembly Technique based in orthogonal crosslink components modules which offer various ways of configurations.

Also, MIGLOBAL’s suppliers give the company the highest quality materials and best technology to construct the structures, parts and other components used in the execution of works through the modular system.

Happy clients

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Hospital constructions
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Hospital constructions
The work schedule is planned very carefully by MIGLOBAL, because it is necessary to ensure the material, technological and human resources to the building, hence the various investigations as geology, foundations, roads, access, structural etc., are very important to take every idea to fruition.

The construction of the structures is the realization of all these plans and projects in a reality that not only meet customer expectations, but will serve to meet and allow medical developments in each place where it is installed.

By [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza].