jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016

IMPORTANT: [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza] Presents Great Efforts of MIGLOBAL

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: CEO of MIGLOBAL
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: CEO of MIGLOBAL
[Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza], founder and head of MIGLOBAL Group, has developed his vision to get this company to become leader in the most competitive branches of health business around the world. Providing supplies and installing technologies with quality materials, MIGLOBAL does its highest efforts for health constructions and buildings that have proven to be reference in the sector. This job requires preparation, knowledge and expertise, and the process requires the use of brands of proven quality that allow the functionality of these initiatives with the best equipment thought specially for the best projects.

HT + Labor Hospitaltechnik offers its vast quantity and quality of options. Some of these options are the most innovative solutions in the field of health, high technology and visionary thinking of this German company, which puts its efforts and services in Latin America with the professionalism and experience to MIGLOBAL Group, becoming a magnificent duo, no matter the size of the projects to which they face; so initiatives to large, these companies present their modular assembly technique in situ.

Permanent Modular Construction or PMC involves quiet, clean and safe solutions for uses such as:
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Construction
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Construction
  • Medical services.
  • Dental care.
  • Clinic services.
  • Laboratory services.
Based on the design of orthogonal grid of interlocking modules, which increase the ability of configuration spaces, adapting to customer needs; this technique has become very popular all over the world, thanks to the benefits sought.

The hospital engineering proposal for the lifting of these buildings, involves the use of pure materials such as:
  • stainless steel,
  • glass,
  • Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Turnkey projects around the world
    Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Turnkey projects around the world
  • pre-empting panels.
These materials ensure the cleanliness and durability, as well as keeping an aesthetic environment, saving resources and considering the ecological advantages of a center built with recyclable materials. All this turn this structures an example of green design.

The assembly of these projects is done by using a series of elements that come together in a structural way to ensure perfect operation in record time and with much greater efficiency than with traditional methods.

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