miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Big Projects Come True: Services & Solutions at MIGLOBAL

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Passion and responsibility in every project
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Passion and responsibility in every project
As we said in previous posts, MIGLOBAL is a company considered to be one of the best in providing solutions for hospital construction and facilitates equipment for health centers. One of the general objectives of MIGLOBAL Group is to provide complete solutions for the health care sector, rapidly and with optimal performance. This company makes sure that every work is done with highest standards in technology and medicine advances. There is no doubt that MIGLOBAL provides the most adequate provision of equipment and products internationally renowned, ensuring the delivery of 100% operating health centers around the world. Know more about the services and solutions that MIGLOBAL gives to the public.


Relief services such as emergency, hospitalization, outpatient surgery, treatments and therapies can be handled in MIGLOBAL facilities, as well as Healthcare Support services such as laboratory tests, nutrition and medical imaging, among others; similarly, consultations, appointments with specialists, pharmacy, surgery and other hospital operations will be handled by the system of the company, not to mention the functions of Administration and Logistics.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Modern hospital infrastructures
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Modern hospital infrastructures

The patient is the center of all these technological and human resources. Since the ultimate goal is to give the patient the best service, the company has developed a process to capture information, which sets off a series of orders to the various units providing service for fast response and high quality.

Construction projects

Planning and execution are the basis for development of successful projects, therefore all services MIGLOBAL offers are preceded by a thorough study of needs, possibilities and capabilities of each individual customer.

The previous work

Calculating each variable, effective and realistic parameters are established on each proposal, in the research on areas such as engineering, MIGLOBAL presents research about geology, foundations, roads, access, parking, outdoor background, structure, electric and alternative energy, among many others.

Building and supplying

Construction and provision of infrastructure is the next logical step, and this is one step in which no risk can be left to act, from the permits of any nature, to the development of a schedule adapted to reality and in line with the client’s expectations.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Construction projects
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Construction projects

By [Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza]. 

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