viernes, 8 de julio de 2016

MIGLOBAL Presents New Technology to Stop Smoking

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Stop the bad habit
Stop the bad habit
MIGLOBAL is always searching for the latest news about health technology and, for this reason, this company brought today a brand new information about a high-tech device for those who want to stop smoking.
Chrono Therapeutics is an American company that has developed a device designed to help people to stop smoking through a wearable technology, which now goes to the ranks of health. This equipment, which connects directly to the smartphone, has the ability to record the moments of anxiety caused by the cigarette, and helps to control it, releasing doses of nicotine, handled by an algorithm previously stipulated according to its intensity.
Other methods
Patches are tools established and tested in nicotine replacement therapy; however, this method has some limitations. Patches have greater strength at the time of application, but its effectiveness can decrease during the day when its power starts to reduce, which puts smokers at risk of relapse doors. To alleviate this problem, doctors and scientists have sought the answer in science to improve results in the process of giving up this vice.
The SmartStop
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Details of the device
Details of the device
The SmartStop is a mobile application, combined with a revolutionary attachment, and is the way the company is taking medical technology to modernize beyond the methods that have been traditionally used, all this in order to put an end to this problem. Chrono Therapeutics has developed a way to provide the timed delivery of drugs transdermally; using this wearable device, the device will offer a better way to liberate smokers from nicotine cravings and, at the end, letting the bad habit behind.
The combination of technologies, which is the main aspect of this company, has joined its team of experienced specialists in medical equipment, information technology experts, pharmacists and designers, who have always managed the concept of wearable technology. This technology has evolved for this initiative to create a device in the style of a wristwatch, to the elegant equipment presenting today, and has achieved great recognition since the early days of its release.

Guy DiPierro, founder of Chrono Therapeutics, first thought of the development of this idea after a personal tragedy that resulted in the death of a relative with lung cancer. The entrepreneur has worked on creating an effective technology and ease of use for the past 10 years, getting support from entities such as the University of Base in Switzerland, and secured funding of up to 2.3 million dollars from The National Cancer Institute.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: All the great characteristics
All the great characteristics

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