martes, 26 de julio de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL Presents: New Wearable Device for Vital Signs

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: More about wearable technology
More about wearable technology
Early detection is one of the most important ways people have when there is risk of heart diseases because in those crucial moments, the difference between life and death can depend on a little time detail; with that in mind, science has proposed to use the new revolution of "wearable" technology to provide quick responses to this type situation. The hWear, an Israeli initiative, is a shirt that monitors the heart of the wearer and today MIGLOBAL will give you all the information about this technological advance.

hWear is the result of the hard work of a start-up called HealthWatch, which developed a material called Tech-tile (pun between textiles and technology), which monitors heart activity and vital signs of the user in real time. It is designed in the shape of a shirt that can be worn under any shirt, blouse or dress and is really comfortable to wear. The fabric is filled with sensors that report any irregularities, sending the information via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to the patient and doctor.
During a cardiac attack, the affected person is often unaware of the situation, as heart problems may appear in different forms; when this happens, the aforementioned events may be left without proper medical checkup, and therefore untreated until the next visit to the doctor, and this time, it could already be too late.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: The hWear, an Israeli initiative
The hWear, an Israeli initiative 
The creators of hWear are insisting that this invention is not a solution to the problem itself, because if the wearer is notified of any anomalous situation, the device only reports the warning, because it is not intended to rectify or cure one of these cases, but to alert, so that that the affected person can take action on the matter and consult a specialist. hWear users can take charge of medical issues before they threaten the patient’s life.

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