jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

MIGLOBAL Group Informing about Breast Cancer

Know more about new discoveries
Scientists at the Center of German Research Helmholtz Zentrum München described how cancer cells attack the breast when exposed to a small molecular inhibitor that attacks certain very specific invasive properties; they change to an alternative mode of action, which makes them more aggressive. These results may end up deterring future therapeutic approaches using the Transforming Growth Factor Beta or of TGF-Beta. Because of this topic being so interested for the public in general, today, MIGLOBAL Group dedicates this post to these new discoveries regarding breast cancer.
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
For breast cancer cell to be reproduced, the tumor cells begin to break down the tissue that is normally confined to the mammary gland, which actively begin to invade and spread into the surrounding tissue. The research team, led by Dr. Christina Scheeltried to block this process, exposing the malignant cells to the molecular inhibitor, which attacks particularly receptor TGF-Beta of Type 1.
TGFBR1 is a transmission protein that is crucial to indicate a series of chemical reactions caused by a stimulus, which is known to give the cancer cell the ability to invade. In fact, by doing this, specialists of the Institute of Stem Cell Research managed to prevent a major regulator of genes involved in this process, so it could not start a program that will result in cell invasive behavior.
Information about Breast Cancer
Initial results of the experiments showed that managing actions to block the TGFBR1 had successfully worked; however, when cells were transferred to a more realistic environment and in 3D, it was discovered that the TWIST1 could return invasive cells although signals TGFBR1 were blocked.

This previous information is very important for MIGLOBAL Group, since it allows a broader view of such a complex and multidimensional process: metastasis, in the opinion of Dr. Scheel.

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