jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL: Supplies and Equipment

MIGLOBAL always offering its great catalog
The company leader in hospital infrastructure and equipment for the health sector in Latin America and the CaribbeanMIGLOBAL Group, is a company that will continue to expand this 2016, as information reported by the Project Director, Julio Paez-Pumar, during an interview in which he gave different details about the new business developments of MIGLOBAL Group.
Julio Paez-Pumar said that the company is currently participating in several tenders to carry and remodel various hospitals in Venezuela and the rest of the continent in order to start being part of construction force in “Ciudad Salud” in Panama, which, according to Julio Paez-Pumar, is probably one of the biggest hospital centers and constructions in Latin America.
Following every step of their projects
Following every step of their projects
Similarly, Paez-Pumar said that the markets have displayed the islands of the Caribbean and the South American continent, where they aspire to reach countries such as Colombia and Bolivia, in which several construction works have already started. According to his information, Chile is one of those South American countries where MIGLOBAL found interesting opportunities for projects, however, they at the company know it is a complex health market; he also said that the company is open for new ideas and projects in Argentina, and in Peru they are doing some general exploration. It is clear that the company is not closed to any market, all opportunities can be taken.
For example, in the case of Chile, MIGLOBAL Group took part in the last ExpoHospital in Chile, where about 115 companies were participating and offering their technology proposals to enhance health management in that country and in the rest of Latin America. The event was held at the Espacio Riesco in Santiago in July of 2015 and it was the right place for many healthcare providers for them to display their technologies, products and services for hospitals, clinics and laboratories.

In Central America, the company aspires to have a great presence in Honduras, Guatemala and also in Costa Rica. The executive explained that thanks to the characteristics and references of the company, a unique and comprehensive product has been properly promoted and has made that MIGLOBAL can offer different solutions that the customer needs and also enough flexibility to continue being reference in the health sector.

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