domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016

MIGLOBAL and New Health Technologies

Robotic exoskeleton
Losing any motor skills can have different and hard consequences in the everyday life of the patient. Depression, loss of productive capacity and other psychological and social disorders can be devastating and difficult to manage. Today, MIGLOBAL will show you details about new technologies that are changing those people’s way of life: the robotic exoskeletons.
New help and new technologies for the patients
New help and new technologies for the patients
The use of exoskeletons to assist in the mobility of those patients has not only the obvious health benefits related to the topic, but gives a new sense of autonomy to those affected, while decreasing stress levels in their families.
Robotic exoskeletons are wearable armors that help people carrying weight that they could not carry walking for long distances. These new technologies allow the affected to do so with less effort, multiply their force and provide other benefits that were originally designed as military use, but thanks to the vision of medical professionals working into this branch, these technologies are now used to help people with motor diseases to regain their independence.
Cardiovascular accidents (also known as stroke) and brain or spinal cord injuries are some of the status for which a patient may lose the ability of their skills and that can be served greatly from these new robotic technologies, which are placed on the body or somewhere specifically, assist the person in carrying out routine activities in order to make their lives more healthy.
Other type of robotic exoskeleton to carry weight
Other type of robotic exoskeleton to carry weight
The physiotherapists help those affected with straps tying their arms or legs to bionic suit as well as a rigid brace around the waist, and with the use of crutches the person can stand and walk as soon as they feel ready. Weight sensors in the suit perceive changes balance that the body makes when walking, sending the message to the skeleton to take a step, and the intuitive mechanism helps the person to walk as normal as possible.
This robotic exoskeletons are not only helping a patient in their everyday activities, but also their families, who can feel in the best conditions to star living a new healthy life with their relatives.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL: Supplies and Equipment

MIGLOBAL always offering its great catalog
The company leader in hospital infrastructure and equipment for the health sector in Latin America and the CaribbeanMIGLOBAL Group, is a company that will continue to expand this 2016, as information reported by the Project Director, Julio Paez-Pumar, during an interview in which he gave different details about the new business developments of MIGLOBAL Group.
Julio Paez-Pumar said that the company is currently participating in several tenders to carry and remodel various hospitals in Venezuela and the rest of the continent in order to start being part of construction force in “Ciudad Salud” in Panama, which, according to Julio Paez-Pumar, is probably one of the biggest hospital centers and constructions in Latin America.
Following every step of their projects
Following every step of their projects
Similarly, Paez-Pumar said that the markets have displayed the islands of the Caribbean and the South American continent, where they aspire to reach countries such as Colombia and Bolivia, in which several construction works have already started. According to his information, Chile is one of those South American countries where MIGLOBAL found interesting opportunities for projects, however, they at the company know it is a complex health market; he also said that the company is open for new ideas and projects in Argentina, and in Peru they are doing some general exploration. It is clear that the company is not closed to any market, all opportunities can be taken.
For example, in the case of Chile, MIGLOBAL Group took part in the last ExpoHospital in Chile, where about 115 companies were participating and offering their technology proposals to enhance health management in that country and in the rest of Latin America. The event was held at the Espacio Riesco in Santiago in July of 2015 and it was the right place for many healthcare providers for them to display their technologies, products and services for hospitals, clinics and laboratories.

In Central America, the company aspires to have a great presence in Honduras, Guatemala and also in Costa Rica. The executive explained that thanks to the characteristics and references of the company, a unique and comprehensive product has been properly promoted and has made that MIGLOBAL can offer different solutions that the customer needs and also enough flexibility to continue being reference in the health sector.

MIGLOBAL Group Informing about Breast Cancer

Know more about new discoveries
Scientists at the Center of German Research Helmholtz Zentrum München described how cancer cells attack the breast when exposed to a small molecular inhibitor that attacks certain very specific invasive properties; they change to an alternative mode of action, which makes them more aggressive. These results may end up deterring future therapeutic approaches using the Transforming Growth Factor Beta or of TGF-Beta. Because of this topic being so interested for the public in general, today, MIGLOBAL Group dedicates this post to these new discoveries regarding breast cancer.
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
For breast cancer cell to be reproduced, the tumor cells begin to break down the tissue that is normally confined to the mammary gland, which actively begin to invade and spread into the surrounding tissue. The research team, led by Dr. Christina Scheeltried to block this process, exposing the malignant cells to the molecular inhibitor, which attacks particularly receptor TGF-Beta of Type 1.
TGFBR1 is a transmission protein that is crucial to indicate a series of chemical reactions caused by a stimulus, which is known to give the cancer cell the ability to invade. In fact, by doing this, specialists of the Institute of Stem Cell Research managed to prevent a major regulator of genes involved in this process, so it could not start a program that will result in cell invasive behavior.
Information about Breast Cancer
Initial results of the experiments showed that managing actions to block the TGFBR1 had successfully worked; however, when cells were transferred to a more realistic environment and in 3D, it was discovered that the TWIST1 could return invasive cells although signals TGFBR1 were blocked.

This previous information is very important for MIGLOBAL Group, since it allows a broader view of such a complex and multidimensional process: metastasis, in the opinion of Dr. Scheel.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Iván Moreno Plaza: Hospital Management Assistance and Education at MIGLOBAL

Committed to Healthcare
MIGLOBAL Group is a company committed to contribute with healthcare professionals in the development of complex skills and surgical techniques through virtual simulation learning and training methods, which withdraw more precise outcomes, considerable less trauma than surgery, less recovery and hospitalization time, returning patient to their normal activities sooner, thus having a more productive hospital and achieving a better healthcare service.
Also, Hospital Management Assistance is a complete and advanced system that presents the company to assist staff of medical centers, handling all matters related to patient information, based on a preliminary spreadsheet containing all the data on it, and used as a starting point to accelerate support services the client needs. In this way, the person enters a database to which you have access from any internal terminal.
Health activities
Health activities 
MIGLOBAL has required the reunion of high quality elements and proven efficiency for the development of projects such as:
    Medical training
    Medical training
  1. Healthcare Hospital Management Systems designed to optimize the management of vital services in the health centers, thus digital information files, medical records, controls and procedures as well as radiological examinations, ultrasound and others that can work much more effectively thanks to the technology.
  2. Learning achieved using simulation technologydistance learning and other tools that are provided only aim to increase the value of human knowledge and experience within this area.
  3. MIGLOBAL has the disposition to work jointly with universities to implement training programs with the latest virtual simulation technologies in order to spread knowledge with the highest excellence.
  4. New ways and technologies
    New ways and technologies
  5. The company will soon provide learning modalities such as e-learning, virtual simulation, robotic simulation, experimental surgical training, scenic simulation and video analysis, among others.