martes, 14 de junio de 2016

MIGLOBAL and the Remote Patient Monitoring

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: New Advances for Remote Monitoring
New Advances for Remote Monitoring
Pioneering companies in the development of equipment for remote and wireless patient monitoring recently announced that the Food and Drug Administration of the United States gave the permission needed to start the development of a new non-invasive device of own invention that will allow the control both of blood pressure and the patient's heart condition, based on its proprietary technology of sensors on the fingertips of the user. Today, MIGLOBAL explains you more details about these new medical advances.
This wearable monitor allows continuous monitoring without the use of wires or electrodes of vital signs of the patient, without any type of disrupts in the daily lives of the patients, maintaining a continuous and mobile care, either in the clinic or hospital, during transportation or remotely, after the hospital visits. This implies a large advance over previous systems that required invasive procedures for its operation.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: A Wearable Monitor
A Wearable Monitor
Technology of Pulses Decomposition, developed for this product, allows the non-invasive measurement, moment by moment, in blood pressure that exceeds the requirements of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI); this device also measures the heart rate as accurately as a three leads electrocardiogram (ECG).
A secure webpage or application installed on any mobile device will transmit the information to the medical staff in charge of the patient. It is important to mention that, before these new technologies, some systems for measuring the blood pressure of the patient time to time required some type of procedure, such as placement of a catheter or complicated equipment, uncomfortable to carry, that the patient only used in critical care situations.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Transmition of the Information
Transmition of the Information
However, Continuous Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (cNIBP) is able to provide measurements with the same quality obtained in intensive care wards without the ones mentioned above, giving the professionals the opportunity to detect early tendencies in hemodynamic deterioration, which would give them more time to intervene while receiving understandable hemodynamic data status of the patient.

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