miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

New Works in Vargas Hospital Thanks to MIGLOBAL

Compromise with the Venezuelan population
The city of Caracas means a particularly important region for MIGLOBAL Group, as in this city the organization began its operations and is the place where its chief executive, Ivan Ernesto Moreno Plaza, sowed the seed of this company that has become the leader in services and responses to health sector. Therefore, when it was selected to take charge of the renovations planned at the Hospital Dr. Jose Maria Vargas, it was more of a challenge; it was a way to give something back to the Venezuelan capital.
Areas of the Hospital
Areas of the Hospital
The renovation and modernization of the areas of pediatric and adults emergency, operating rooms, pre rooms and post-operative and others providing care to thousands of users and patients, one of the main health centers in Venezuela, was carried out in record time and without paralyzing the activities of this important healthcare center. Quite an accomplishment and pride for the company which worked hard in order to exceed the expectations and its mission, bringing quality and efficiency in their work.
The Vargas Hospital was founded in 1888, but its construction work extended well into 1891, and because of this its structure retains a historical legacy of great importance to the Venezuelan population. It also has the name of one of the most inspiring characters in the Venezuelan history: doctor, teacher, scientist, writer and politician, José María Vargas, who was also President of the Republic between 1835 and 1836.
New spaces and renovations on the hands of MIGLOBAL
New spaces and renovations on the hands of MIGLOBAL
The renovations made in these hospital were completed in a period of just 10 months, which, taking into account the age of the structure and the fact that it is a center in full operation and the type of services to be provided in the aforementioned areas, this period is a super competitive time for this type of work.

With the German technology from international agreements established by MIGLOBAL Group, and invaluable human resources, modernization of spaces, such as operating rooms, is made using stainless steel and galvanized equipment to guarantee spaces for optimal work for doctors.

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