miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

New Works in Vargas Hospital Thanks to MIGLOBAL

Compromise with the Venezuelan population
The city of Caracas means a particularly important region for MIGLOBAL Group, as in this city the organization began its operations and is the place where its chief executive, Ivan Ernesto Moreno Plaza, sowed the seed of this company that has become the leader in services and responses to health sector. Therefore, when it was selected to take charge of the renovations planned at the Hospital Dr. Jose Maria Vargas, it was more of a challenge; it was a way to give something back to the Venezuelan capital.
Areas of the Hospital
Areas of the Hospital
The renovation and modernization of the areas of pediatric and adults emergency, operating rooms, pre rooms and post-operative and others providing care to thousands of users and patients, one of the main health centers in Venezuela, was carried out in record time and without paralyzing the activities of this important healthcare center. Quite an accomplishment and pride for the company which worked hard in order to exceed the expectations and its mission, bringing quality and efficiency in their work.
The Vargas Hospital was founded in 1888, but its construction work extended well into 1891, and because of this its structure retains a historical legacy of great importance to the Venezuelan population. It also has the name of one of the most inspiring characters in the Venezuelan history: doctor, teacher, scientist, writer and politician, José María Vargas, who was also President of the Republic between 1835 and 1836.
New spaces and renovations on the hands of MIGLOBAL
New spaces and renovations on the hands of MIGLOBAL
The renovations made in these hospital were completed in a period of just 10 months, which, taking into account the age of the structure and the fact that it is a center in full operation and the type of services to be provided in the aforementioned areas, this period is a super competitive time for this type of work.

With the German technology from international agreements established by MIGLOBAL Group, and invaluable human resources, modernization of spaces, such as operating rooms, is made using stainless steel and galvanized equipment to guarantee spaces for optimal work for doctors.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Haiti, The House of a New MIGLOBAL’s Project

Designing great health centers
Creating solid targets and achieving the ability to carry them out are the difference between an organization that creates realities and those that only imagine them. Thinking about this, the team of MIGLOBAL Group has been at the forefront of its field and has made plans for expansion and growth of the company into a reality, standing in front of its area in the countries where the company operates, in order to expand its actions to new frontiers and demonstrating its abilities and talents.
Haiti is one of these new scenarios where reputation and a great catalog of high quality products have joined forces to create the necessary confidence for the start of a new project in the area of health centers. This time it comes to the creation and rise of a general hospital with 100 beds, which will feature areas dedicated to:
  • emergency care,
  • surgery,
  • pediatrics,
  • gynecology and
  • multiple services for the health of patients, comfortable and safe spaces.

The construction of the structure is performed on about 18,000 m2 as part of an urbanized town of 48,000 m2. From modular construction system that the company has handled correctly and adopted as a brand, the costs can be reduced, as well as time of construction and execution, high quality finishes and facilities for maintenance, while adhering to local laws and the highest quality standards.
About the technology, this center will have important developments within the different areas, among which we can mention:
The project
The project
  • trauma pediatric shock and adult triage,
  • surgical area,
  • intensive care unit,
  • internal consultation,
  • pharmacy,
  • laboratory,
  • bench blood,
  • and imaging,
  • as well as administrative and concierge services needed to ensure perfect operation.
Finally, the advantages of this type of construction designed for efficiencydurability and best performance of human resources places MIGLOBAL Group in advantage over its competitors in the region, thus expanding its markets is an inevitable result of management that combines quality, innovation and always seeking new challenges.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

Great Efforts at MIGLOBAL

The construction of Ciudad Salud, Panama
MIGLOBAL Group is a company founded by Iván Moreno Plaza headquartered in the U.S. This important company was created with the aim of join efforts in order to provide answers and solutions in the health sector all over the world, both in private hospital and governmental institutions with the objective of improving the local service quality.
MIGLOBAL aims to provide complete solutions for the health care sector, rapid deployment and optimal performance with the highest standards in technology; that is why today MIGLOBAL Group is developing a great and important number of projects in the following countries:
  • Bolivia
  • Ecuador
  • Panama
  • Venezuela

"Ciudad Salud"
"Ciudad Salud"
Some of these projects initiated by MIGLOBAL have been culminated, others are under development and there is a large group of ongoing proposals and/or evaluated by the different factors that authorize the beginning or start of the work.
The truth is that the vision of MIGLOBAL Group is committed to consolidate a group of companies in Latin America and promote important projects with social sense, that is, from a viewpoint that transcends the product offering in a country like Venezuela to promote a better health care system in South America.
The highest technology
The highest technology
Panama is a key example of the purpose of the businessman Iván Moreno Plaza; in that country, the company is developing works at the "Health City" project at City Hospital (Proyecto Ciudad Salud en Ciudad Hospitalaria in Spanish), where the company is intended to provide various specialties such as:
  • General medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Gynecology and obstetrics
  • General Surgery
  • Traumatology
  • Family Medicine
  • Ophthalmology
  • Cardiology

In addition to that, the objective in the project is to have the latest equipment, many of them developed by companies of the MIGLOBAL Group, while providing training to doctors in a center of academic training with robotic and virtual simulation that is currently being designed and planned.
Planning, designing and construction
Planning, designing and construction