martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

Iván Moreno Plaza: How is The Virtual Presence of MIGLOBAL


The work of MIGLOBAL has led the team to develop an organization together with a range of educational opportunities and medical training. However, those are not the only areas the company pays attention to, MIGLOBAL is also dedicated to make a great presence in the virtual and digital world.
Communication, immediacy and efficiency in the response are the main key for advanced connection with internal and external stakeholders of any company; with safety in mind the team of MIGLOBAL Group has set the refreshment and the task of make more attractive its digital presence in order to better reach those who are interested in their message. As part of its physical expansion plans it has been necessary to create an expansion strategy in its virtual services that meets the idea of the organization.

The clean image of the company
The clean image of the company
The website of MIGLOBAL has been transformed both in style and content, adapting it to changes in the public and their way of perceiving the online information. All this by dynamic graphics, better structured items and the right amount of information to start up a first contact between the parties concerned, with versions in both Spanish and English, with the objective of reaching as many opinion leaders in their range as possible.
The blog as a tool for permanent information for target audiences, including a new space and a section devoted to follow the implementation of projects of the company within the configuration site, speak largely on the commitment of MIGLOBAL transparency.

Social networks, efforts to connect with stakeholders and market strategies would not work perfectly as they do if they had not behind a product of proven quality and a strong and solid organizational structure, therefore the perfect alliance between deployment and support is only achieved with the full assurance of an interesting offer and meets what is proposed.

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