domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: The Best Organization at MIGLOBAL Group

The best teamwork at MIGLOBAL Group
High-standard managerial values have provided MIGLOBAL group with effective actions, this takes the company to be one of the leaders not only in the health sector, but in the Latin American management, making it the best example of human and physical resources use, the ability to see beyond geography, as well as a firm but flexible guide, has raised the actions of this brand to a privileged place of honor among the biggest companies in the region and towards a promising future.
Iván Moreno Plaza
Iván Moreno Plaza
Teamwork is one of the most important aspects for the company, based on an effective and well-planned division of labor and a strong identification with the work and the brand image. All that has set the task of finding daily excellence within MIGLOBAL’s  actions.
Teamwork all over the continent
Teamwork all over the continent
Ivan Ernesto Moreno Plaza, CEO of the company, is one of the most important participants of MIGLOBAL; he works everyday with an interdisciplinary team which has put the best effort, knowledge and vision in the service of an ideal for years. This has helped the company expanded throughout the continent and still reaching new tasks in the sustained growth of MIGLOBAL and satisfying clients everywhere.

Modern management, technology, focus on quality and customer satisfaction, promoting MIGLOBAL’s achievements and goals, as well as the willingness to be renewed within the parameters established for its development have made the company a perfect organizational example in the market.

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