miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

Iván Moreno Plaza: Telemedicine, Education and Treatment at MIGLOBAL

Healthcare Hospital Management Systems
Healthcare Hospital Management Systems
Needs in the health sector have to be assisted by Education, Treatment and Care, those aspects are the base. And this principle has been well understood by the entire team working at MIGLOBAL; therefore lot of effort, work and investment has been put into the development of relevant options and in tune with the times, as in the case of projects in the area of telemedicine include several lines of work that lead to the best possible answer.


It is defined as the integration of the various medical specialties through the use of technology and telecommunications. These methods have made strides worldwide and it stays ahead of the health field. MIGLOBAL has required the reunion of high quality elements and proven efficiency for the development of projects such as:
Medical Training
Medical Training
1. Healthcare Hospital Management Systems designed to optimize the management of vital services in the health centers, thus digital information files, medical records, controls and procedures as well as radiological examinations, ultrasound and others that can work much more effectively thanks to the technology.
2. Centers for Continuing Education and Professional Medical Training as in the case of CIAHRS (Iniciation Course of Arthroscopy in Shoulder and Knee with Virtual Simulation) or MISURGICAL, a draft training and education center confluence of the cream of medicine internationally, which is still in planning process, are two good examples of this section.

3. Learning achieved using simulation technologydistance learning and other tools that are provided only aim to increase the value of human knowledge and experience within this area.

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