martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: The Meaning of Medical Attention: MIGLOBAL’s Excellent Services

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Great services for medical attention
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Great services for medical attention
MIGLOBAL Group is a company founded and directed by Ivan Moreno Plaza. The company goes out in the Latin American market to offer great solutions for hospital construction, health technology and equipping health centers in alliance with other leader hospital construction companies in the world. MIGLOBAL offers a big variety of services and products for the health sector that cannot be ignore. See more details bellow.

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Solutions for health sector
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Solutions for health sector
Planning and execution are the basis for development of successful projects, therefore all services MIGLOBAL offers are preceded by a thorough study of needs, possibilities and capabilities of each individual customer.

MIGLOBAL also calculates each variable, effective and realistic parameters to be established on each construction proposal, in the research on areas such as engineering, geology, foundations, access, structure, electric and alternative energy, among many others aspects.

Construction and provision of infrastructure is the next step, and this is one step in which no risk can be left to act, everything is thought to be adapted to the reality and in line with the client’s expectations of the physical plant and its equipment with the latest technology and human resources.

About the team

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Considerations on every detail in the health projects
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Considerations on every detail in the health projects
MIGLBOAL Group counts with a multidisciplinary group of employees in charge of taking care of the main services offered by the company: engineering and construction work, physical plant equipment, provision and installation of medical equipment, supplies and disposable medical and surgical equipment, management systems and medical training.

Relief services such as emergency, hospitalization, outpatient surgery, treatments and therapies can be handled by MIGLOBAL, as well as Healthcare Support services such as laboratory tests, nutrition and medical imaging; similarly, consultations, appointments with specialists, pharmacy, surgery and other hospital operations will be handled by the system of the company.

Among the set of services that MIGLOBAL offers we can also find:
  • Architecture and Formalities.
  • Physical Plant Equipment.
  • Medical Training.
  • Provision of Medical Equipment and Installation.
  • Engineering and Work Execution.
  • Surgical Supply Medical Equipment and Disposables.
  • Management Systems.
  • Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Physical plant equipment
    Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Physical plant equipment

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza - MIGLOBAL: Tools and Virtual Techniques

Virtual Reality as Tool for Medicine

Nowadays, the field of medicine is leading its advances, researchers, and studies to virtual simulation. For this reason, MIGLOBAL tells y about this everything you need to know about this topic.

Video games are not the only way to live virtual experiences. Nowadays, the field of medicine is leading its advances, researchers, and studies to virtual simulation. All these new technological improvements are being studied and practiced by MIGLOBAL, a company dedicated to the development of hospital projects and medicine training. For this reason, MIGLOBAL presents interesting information about these great services and its applications to medicine.

The Virtual Simulation to Joints Treatment
Joints such as the hips, knees, wrists and ankles are some of the main moving parts of the human body. They receive a lot of pressure and stress and are exposed to a number of problems that can cause serious consequences. Among these problems and conditions, we can find the osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease that attacks the cartilage and causes severe pain in the patient.
Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition that usually strikes older people, with a rate of up to 60% of adults age 70 and up to 90% of over 80 mostly female, and may have stiffness and pain in the affected area, but up to 40% of sufferers do not experience any symptoms.
Another good example of the advance made regarding virtual interventions is the total ankle replacement which has proven to be a good option for those with terminal stages of the disease in this part of the body; meanwhile, it has been determined that injections with certain proteins present in the platelets can accelerate tissue regeneration.

Medicine advances in the fight against osteoarthritis have given new hope for those who suffer its effects. We can mention the Chondroitin sulfate treatment, which exceeds the relief provided by painkillers, reducing its advance and improves mobility

Finally, one last reference about the success of virtual interventions: the technology of the Arthroscopic Initiation Course in shoulder and knee with Virtual Simulation. This is one of the most successful adverts in medicine since it has meant the union of the highest technology of virtual simulators with the latest knowledge in the area of treatment of joint problems.

-Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza