martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL Group Presents the Best Medical Apps for your Health

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Using your mobile technology for medical purposes
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Using your mobile technology for medical purposes
Nowadays, we spend many hours of our lives using our smartphone displays, continually playing addicting games and watching videos that may actually have adverse effects on our health in the long term. However, as you may know, a smartphone can also be a great medical accessory with the right use and set of mobile apps.

Today, Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza brings you information about the new uses of mobile apps for medical purposes for your good and your doctor’s.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Apps that also help your doctor
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Apps that also help your doctor
Micromedex is a pharmaceutical reference app with features such as proper drug dosage and medicine recommendations. You can search the name of a specific drug to find out how it should be taken, as well as any potential side effects. You can also search by drug recommendations that will combat your medical problem. Anyone can quick and easily find what they are looking for in a pinch with Micromedex.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Red Cross First Aid App
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Red Cross First Aid App
No one is safe from accidents, but most of times we do not always know what to do when they happen. The Red Cross’ official First Aid app provides simple step-by-step instructions to guide you through everyday first aid scenarios, whether talking asthma attacks or broken bones. It also supplies you with a host of informative quizzes and safety tips regarding natural disasters; and best of all is that you never have to worry about whether you have mobile service.

MyChart allow you to access your medical records on your phone at any time. You can quickly see which vaccinations you have had and when at a glance, along with the last time you visited the doctor and which prescriptions you are taking. Also, you can send a non-urgent message to your clinic and receive a response within a couple days, schedule visits from directly within the app, and request prescription refills. How not to consider download it?

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2016

MIGLOBAL Presents Pioneer Skin Transplant in Spain

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: The team of experts
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: The team of experts
Andalusia, in southern Spain, has become a place of interest to medical researchers around the world because a pioneering process in skin transplantation has been carried out in that locality, combining tissue engineering and nano structures extracted from a 29-year-old woman, who presented burn of 70% in her body since April, making it the first person to receive such treatment on the planet, occupying international headlines. Today, MIGLOBAL will present more information about this pioneer skin transplant.
The use of skin made from the patient's own cells avoids the risk of rejection by the body and improves recovery. Furthermore, this method is the first treatment using a chemical "harvested" substance from a seaweed, which aims to improve the elasticity and thickness of the skin. This patent has been registered in the Andalusian Health Service and the University of Granada, which has asked to be available nationwide.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Talking about the procedure
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Talking about the procedure
Medical professionals from hospitals involved and the Andalusian Health Service and the University of Granada are confident that this new technique can improve the prognosis in many patients. The process was performed using skin leaves of 5.9 cm that were grafted into two batches, with the participation of the Cell Production Unit of the University, and the Major Burns Unit of the Virgen del Rocio in Seville, culminating the cycle of several years of hard work.
Hope for the near future

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Excelents results after the pioneer skin transplant
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Excelents results after the pioneer skin transplant
Dr. Miguel Alaminos, one of the head experts of the team that performed the intervention, explained that the creation of this biomaterial represents a milestone that comer after more than a decade of research and experiments with tissue engineering, and if all goes as is expected, it should allow the patient to leave the hospital in a month.

sábado, 13 de agosto de 2016

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: MIGLOBAL Group Presents Genetic Studies about Psoriasis & Obesity

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Genetic relation between diseases
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Genetic relation between diseases
Researchers at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark reviewed the data of life corresponding to large number of twins born during a period of time in this country, to determine whether diseases like psoriasis, diabetes of type 2 and obesity are related in some way, through a comprehensive questionnaire which they asked questions about psoriasis; the results have led to think that there may be links between those diseasesToday, MIGLOBAL brings you more information about these researches and studies about these 3 diseases and its genetic relation.

Dr. Ann Sophie Lønnberg, leader of the professional team who collected these data, has revealed that the universe of twins among which the study was done, reaches 33,588 individuals aged between 21 and 70 years old, from which more than half were women. The results of the questions asked were checked against records of diagnosis of diabetes of type 2 and Body Mass Index (BMI).
Participants provided helpful information, such as the skin disease affected 4.2% of them, 630 of them were men and 771 women, while 1.4% suffered from diabetes, counting 235 women and 224 men; on the other hand, the BMI overall average was 24.5, and 6.3% were listed as obese when dialing a rate of 30.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Data about diabetes, obesity and psoriasis
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Data about diabetes, obesity and psoriasis
Psoriasis was present in 7.6% of patients with diabetes, but only reached 4.1% in those without the disease. Individuals with psoriasis scored a BMI average of 25, much higher than those who did not suffer that disease, which was 24.4, which can mean that people with psoriasis have a greater chance of presenting a high Body mass index and obesity than those without it.

720 cases of the twins studied, showed that only one of the two brothers/sisters showed psoriasis, which also had a high BMI level and were more likely to develop obesity than the other, which gives scientists the possibility to think that both conditions could be from the same genetic cause. However, they are quick to indicate that a disease does not automatically lead to the other.

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2016

A Possible Better Future for Paralyzed People

Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Ian Burkhart and researches
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Ian Burkhart and researches
Researchers in Ohio, United States, are now seeking to restore the use of limbs of paralyzed people using computer chips that reconnect the muscles directly to the brain. The device, called NeuroLife, has already helped a quadriplegic young man hold his credit card and use it, or play a video game guitar; taking this into consideration, the implications of what can be achieved in the future are unlimited and amazing. Today, MIGLOBAL brought some information about the great medical advances that will probably change the life of paralyzed people.
The chip transmits brain signals to a software program that interprets and translates them into movements that the user wants to perform, and recode the signal and then send it through a wire to a special sleeve placed on the arm of the patient, which has electrodes that stimulate movement, in this case, the arm and hand.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: New medical advances
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: New medical advances
Ian Burkhart, the young man, was paralyzed from the neck down because of an accident six years ago, but today, he can share a game of Guitar Hero with his friends, thanks to the NeuroLife implant, which decrypts the messages from his brain through patterns that are then translated into a language that the muscles can understand, thus causing the movement of the limbs.
Burkhart has also tested other precision movements controlled by this device: serving water, pass a credit card and take a cellphone. This is the first time a paralyzed person has managed to make such a complex series of precise movements with his own hand, which represents an achievement for medical advances related to this branch.
The team is still in development period by Bartelle, a non-profit organization, and the Ohio State University. Much of the work has been based on the creation of software algorithms that can decode the intentions of the patient through the brain signals, and how to transmit them to the limbs in the form of electrical impulses to achieve the results.
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Ian Burkhart plays a guitar video game
Iván Ernesto Moreno Plaza: Ian Burkhart plays a guitar video game
In the future, an enhanced version of the device could have sensory feedback that, in other words, will provide touch sensations and accompanying the action itself. This new technology can be used in cases of strokes and other similar cases, helping 5.6 million people (in the US only) living with paralysis.